22 Mar A Friendly Reminder from our Finance Committee
March 21, 2020
Dear Church Family,
As we all adjust to our “new normal” with the onset of the COVID-19 Pandemic, we hope and pray that your family is healthy and everyone is continuing the recommended social distancing. Hopefully, with all of us following the appropriate health guidelines, we will soon be able to be back together in more normal relationships with our families, schools, work, and church.
In the meantime, and on behalf of the Finance Committee, I hope that you will continue to support First Baptist Church with your tithes, offerings, and gifts. Even though we are not together physically in our building, our church ministries are still going on in many areas and our fiscal requirements still need to be met. Even during the pandemic, FBC is feeding our Clinton Tower friends each Wednesday night through April, our Christian Service Center is still providing food to our community each week, staff members are being paid, and bills still need to be paid (such as utilities, insurance, etc.).
For First Baptist Church to be able to meet our fiscal responsibilities and support the needs of people in our community, we all need to make our congregational giving a priority if we are able to do so. As life becomes different than we have even known it to be, we certainly need to meet the needs of our own family. But we also encourage you to remember the needs of our church family and support FBC as God allows you to do so in your financial giving.
There are several ways in which you can give your tithes and offerings to the church while we are not physically meeting together. You can give online by going to the church website and following the prompts. You can also mail your check to P.O. Box 268, Clinton, TN 37717 (do not mail it to our Main Street address – we do not have a mailbox to receive it!), or you can call the office to schedule a time to drop your gift off to the church.
As we continue to “stay together even when we are apart”, I encourage us to continue to pray for each other, our families, and our church. This is a good time to remember that God is still in control of the world. He has been with us during the past, He is with us during the present, and He will continue to be with us in the future.
Trusting God in all things,
Vicki Violette, Chairperson
FBC Finance Committee
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