21 Jan Adventures in Missions: God Sightings
Sharing what God is doing in our lives is important for the edification and training of the Church body but also for our own ability to see Him.
When it comes to recognizing what God’s doing around us, we can become out of practice, miss His fingerprints on our daily lives, and begin to believe He isn’t working or isn’t there at all. If we truly seek Him—if we wake up and pay attention—if we develop eyes to see, we WILL find Him.
If in the morning I pray the prayer: “God, show me what You’re doing today” and then in the evening am faithful to stop and review the day—often in writing, I’ve found He does not disappoint. (It’s often not until these end-of-the-day reflections that God reveals Himself—and even more so when we share our God sightings with those around us; we cannot miss these crucial steps.) I’m often in awe—even dumfounded—at all He’s doing that I’d never before taken time to see. If I couple this morning prayer with another: “God, give me ministering opportunities today—show me the needs around me and how I can partner with You to make a difference”, —whew, boy! I’d better buckle my chinstrap and be ready! I find I suddenly have a front row seat to watch Him work.
Do you want to see God? Do you want to live in His presence? I challenge you to say these prayers and unpack your days—even the most mundane day—with Him.
Let’s testify of God’s work in our lives; let’s bear witness to Him! We could certainly tell of His beauty—how we see Him in a sunset or in our children’s eyes, but I want to issue a specific challenge to our congregation:
Let’s collect stories of how God is working in the ministries and mission opportunities of our church, to be shared at some point in the future.
God-sightings are moments when you see or feel God working—through others to speak to you, through you to meet the needs of others, as a third-party witness, etc.
Maybe you work in our food pantry or clothing closet and had a meaningful conversation with a client—a moment you knew it was about more than mere food/clothes. Maybe during Shepherd’s Table you had an encounter when you realized just how much that meal was needed on that day. Maybe as you were ministering to someone, God, instead, ministered to you through them. Maybe your divine appointment was a shut-in visit, Towers activity, homeless encounter, moment in children or youth ministry, outreach to a bereaved friend—or perhaps even when God reached into your grief through another church member. Maybe you want to share an experience of how you saw the words of a Sunday sermon come to life that week.
God sightings come in varied ways, often even in the most unexpected times! Let’s remember your mission stories of years past while being faithful to see, record, and share stories of future Divine encounters.
If you have a story you’d like to share, you can do so in several ways:
Send an email with “God-sighting” in the subject line to amanda@fbclinton.org
Type or write the story on good-ol’ fashion paper
Record a concise (1-2 minute) video or audio track of you telling your story
Verbally share your story with Amanda, who will try to capture it in some way.
Let our motives in these testimonies always be to give God glory and further His kingdom.
“Open my eyes that I might see visions of truth though has for me—open my eyes, illumine me, Spirit divine.”
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