05 Aug A New School Year Begins
“When my decision for Christ was made I walked slowly down and knelt in prayer. I opened my heart and knew for the first time the sweetness and joy of God, of truly being born again. I didn’t have any tears, I didn’t have any emotion. I didn’t hear any thunder, there was no lightning. But, I knew in my heart that I was somehow different and changed. That night absolutely changed the direction of my life.”
These words are located on a wall at the Billy Graham Training Center at The Cove. The famed evangelist was reflecting upon his salvation experience which proved formative in determining the purpose of his life. Graham’s life was uniquely suited to his time, and his impact was dramatic and historic.
As Christians, we can have different kinds of conversion experiences—some are similar to Graham’s while others are more emotional. But, we all have been changed by Christ to be “salt and light” in our world. Few of us will have Graham’s global impact, but your Christian witness may very well mean the world to the people around you.
Our motto “In the Heart of Clinton” is more than a cliché; it describes not only our geographical location but also a spiritual one as well. Our church is strategically located to make a difference for Christ in our town. As I’ve said before, we are the church when we gather in our building, and we remain the church when we scatter into our homes, jobs, and community.
The month of August means that it’s time for teachers and students to return to school. There will be children who will be starting Kindergarten this month, those who are beginning their senior year, and other students who will be taking the next step of their academic journey.
I know you’ll be joining me in praying for and giving appreciation to those who teach in our schools. We’ll also do this in one of our worship services this month. I value the efforts and influence of our teachers, and am grateful for their Christlike example in our schools.
August signals another beginning for our church as well–the FBC Fall schedule kicks off! I’m hopeful to see many of us together once again; let’s also encourage others who may need a church home to take part in our fellowship as well.
It’s been a great blessing to have been on sabbatical this past month. I want to thank you all for providing this opportunity to take a ministry pause and re-charge my spiritual batteries a little bit. I appreciate very much those who have filled in for me during my absence, and am grateful to be with you all again–DC
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