13 Dec Christmas Eve at FBC Clinton
In the C.S. Lewis classic, “The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe” readers are taken to the magical land of Narnia. When Narnia is living under the authority of the witch “it is always winter, but never Christmas.”
There are people living like that now as Christmas never seems to come to them. There is only the empty feeling of no hope, peace, joy, or love–there’s nothing left to believe in. The Good News is that Christ has come–Christmas is here! More than 2000 years ago, Jesus Christ took on human flesh and entered our world to save his people from their sins.
On Christmas Eve, we will have one combined morning service at 8:30 am in the Family Life Center. There will be a few new components to that service in recognition of this special day. Later that day at 5:00 PM, we’ll be culminating the season of Advent with the lighting of the Christ candle. By doing this, we will show that the light of the world has come. We will once again be gathered as family, friends, and guests for Christmas at the manger.
After all that our church has experienced this past year, with its joys, sorrows, losses and victories, let us gather once again to catch a glimpse of the wonder that is Christmas. May we remember afresh and anew that “the Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us (John 1.14).
One of the challenges churches run into this time of year is trying to introduce something new or exciting to the Christmas story. Yet, there is something remarkably comforting to once again be lighting candles, sharing communion, singing the same hymns, and hearing the same Scriptures read on this holiest of nights. These traditions serve as anchors to our spiritual lives and keep us grounded in the simple and profound at Christmas. We look forward to sharing in the powerful truth that Jesus Christ has been born!
As in years past, the Christmas Eve service is a great time to invite guests and those who may not have ever been in a house of worship before. It’s also a time that can bring about a variety of emotions for each of us, so let’s be kind and supportive of one another.
This is my last article for the year. So, let me thank you for your faithfulness in attendance, prayers, service and financial support of our church. There’s a few more days left to make a year-end contribution, so let’s do our best to finish 2023 on strong financial footing.
Finally, on behalf of Lori, Cally, Lucy, and Matt, I want to say “Merry Christmas!” and thank you for being part of our lives in 2023. May the Lord bless as we celebrate the arrival of the Christ child once again–DC
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