18 Dec Christmas in Clinton
In the C.S. Lewis classic “The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe” readers are taken to the magical land of Narnia. When Narnia is living under the authority of the witch “it is always winter, but never Christmas.”
There are people living like that today in our world and Christmas never seems to come to them. There is only left the feeling that there is no hope, peace, joy, or love—there’s nothing left to believe in.
The Good News is that Christ has come–Christmas is here! More than 2000 years ago, Jesus Christ took on flesh and entered our world to save his people from their sins. This same Jesus can enter your world and become your Savior too.
On Christmas Eve, we will light the final Advent candle—the Christ candle. And by doing this, we will show that the light of the world has come. Christmas is here.
After all that our church has experienced this past year, with its joys, sorrows, losses and victories, we gather to catch a glimpse of the wonder that is Christmas. Let’s always remember why “the Word became flesh, and made his dwelling among us” (John 1.14).
It’s been an incredible year. God has been faithful and brought us together once again to this moment to celebrate the hope that is ours in Christ Jesus.
On behalf of Lori and our family, thank you for being part of our lives this past year. “Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!”–DC
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