21 Apr Schedule tentatively set to resume June 1st
The COVID-19 virus has cast a dark shadow here at home, around our nation, and across the globe. To quote Dr. Anthony Fauci, this virus is very “efficient.” It is not like the flu–more people get it, and more people die from it. Indeed, “Social Distancing” is now part of our lives and lexicon.
Governor Bill Lee recommended the closure of all schools through this academic year. Students have had to learn to work “online” so special thanks to all our educators for their efforts in making this possible.
In other news, the “stay at home” directive given by the Governor will expire in April. This means that businesses will seek to open and gradually return to a degree of normalcy. The COVID-19 virus has brought about an economic toll; this will be measured in concert with the impact this is having upon our health and well-being.
First Baptist has sought to be good neighbors in this community that we know and love, and have canceled our activities and meetings in cooperation with the school system. As such, our church council approved the following:
Our church will plan on resuming regular activities (pending any new developments) on June 1st. We will look to incorporate guidance of state and local leaders as well as the Center for Disease Control (CDC) related to group gatherings as we work through this process.
In the same way that the CDC tightened restrictions for group gatherings, I would envision a similar loosening of restrictions over the next weeks and months. This is a “fluid situation” and we will act accordingly.
On a related note, I’m encouraged to learn that Clinton High and Anderson County High Schools are planning graduations in June. Hopefully, this will be a redeeming experience for our seniors under some very difficult circumstances.
As we have done every year, this church will honor our seniors. Please know that the church staff will do its best to provide a meaningful way for this to be accomplished.
We are all in this together. The decision to stop meeting in person is only rivaled by when to resume meeting in person. So, let’s be in prayer as we seek to make decisions for the good of our entire congregation.
We are not closed—we’ve had three people come into our church during this virtual season! So, please know of my gratitude for your faithful financial support and staying connected through our virtual worship services and other gathering opportunities. Stay encouraged–DC
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