29 Jul COVID-19 Update for August
“If you don’t take a Sabbath, something’s wrong. You’re doing too much, you’re being too much in charge. You’ve got to quit, one day a week, and watch what God is doing when you’re not doing anything.”
These words by Eugene Peterson are important during any season but are especially relevant during the unrest our nation is currently experiencing. The spiritual, emotional, and psychological issues we are experiencing these days can’t be easily resolved by additional efforts on our part.
I’ve been attentive to the numbers and trends relating to the COVID-19 virus. Schools, businesses, and churches are among those determining how best to respond to the data and attempt to keep their constituencies as safe as possible. It’s stressful. There are no easy answers for people who are in positions of leadership and tasked with making decisions.
As far as our own church is concerned, the Church Council has voted to continue our current meeting schedule through the month of August. We won’t be adding any additional meeting times for the moment; the Church Council will meet again in early September to determine what our approach should be after Labor Day. This additional time will allow us to gauge how things are going in our community and schools as it relates to the COVID-19 virus.
In light of the increased COVID-19 cases, the Church Council strongly encourages the wearing of masks and facial coverings in our building. Please also remember that if you are tested for the COVID-19 virus, please do not come to worship until you receive your results.
I’ll continue looking to the Church Council to help discern the need to cancel meeting together in the event of a COVID-19 positive result among our people. As such, we will continue following the Re-Gathering Guidelines set forth when we resumed in person meetings on June 7th.
Our church staff eagerly desires to be part of your lives and is discerning how best to do that in these uncertain times. We are missing the rhythms of our life together as children, students, and adults who call First Baptist Church their family and home.
Remember that we are still the church. Please come for in person worship if you are able and/or take part in the online worship opportunities. Don’t let your spiritual life suffer during this pandemic—it’s important now more than ever.
I’m beginning a sermon series in August called “Hope for Hard Times” which I hope will be timely for the moment. I do not want us to live in fear, and neither do I want us to live in foolishness. Join in praying for the Lord’s ongoing guidance for us as church family.
Thanks for your faithfulness. Philippians 1:3–DC
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