16 Jan Deacon Nominations due January 31
You should be receiving Deacon Nomination forms in the next day or so, if not already. Please review these materials and prayerfully submit your responses by January 31st. I also ask those who will be nominated to prayerfully consider taking on this position of service in our church.
The foundation and function for deacon ministry is often traced to Acts 6:1-7. The role of deacon was forged out of a problem in the church to deal with a problem in the church. If this problem had not been resolved, then the health and growth of the church would have been put at great risk. The church appointed seven persons who were “filled with the Spirit and wisdom” and brought them to the Apostles who prayed and laid hands on them—a practice we follow in the Deacon Ordination service.
Deacons are incredibly important to the spiritual health of the congregation. Deacon service is not necessarily related to one’s ability, but a willingness to say YES to the Lord’s leadership and affirmation by our church family. God faithfully “equips the called” to serve in the places and ways that build up the body of Christ.
Pastors and deacons are partners in ministry. Deacons are an extension of the pastoral office to minister to the well-being of our people. I’ve seen the value of this time and again, and hope you’ll give careful consideration to this important matter in the life of our church–DC
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