13 Oct Fall Break is here!
Fall break is October 12-16th! For this reason there will be no mid-week activities for children, youth, and adult Bible study. Our church staff is hoping that all our parents, children, teachers, and school administrators enjoy a well deserved time away from their routines. It has been a difficult year in so many ways, and this break comes at a good time for us.
Our church staff also continues its prayers for our church family and community as we all navigate through the anxieties of living in a pandemic.
We are also grateful for the support and involvement of our church family (and friends) through in person and online worship attendance.
As pastor, I also want to express my thanks for the faithful financial support of the mission and ministries of our church. Your ongoing contributions make it possible to sustain our work and witness in Clinton and also around the world.
Finally, it was so good to celebrate the Lord’s Supper last Sunday! We were able to secure a way to do this in as touchless and safe a manner as possible. Never doubt that each one of us is a very important part of this family of faith. There is a “place at the table” for all of us.
May God help us “walk by faith and not by sight” through the remainder of 2020. We do not have to live in fear, nor by our feelings. I believe the Lord has a purpose for First Baptist Church, and my prayer is that we can be part of it to the glory of God–DC
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