01 Mar FBC supports missions efforts in Ukraine
Did you know that our church supports missionaries that serve the people of Ukraine through our giving to both the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship and Southern Baptist Convention?
We are associated with missionaries in Kyiv, surrounding areas of Ukraine, and neighboring countries who are scrambling to provide relief to refugees. Because of these long established ministries and the secure relationships they’ve developed, we have the unique opportunity to pray, more specifically, for the people of Ukraine and to financially support the relief efforts. Find more information through these websites:
CBF Ukraine Relief Fund: https://cbfblog.com/2022/02/28/cbf-establishes-ukraine-relief-fund/
CBF Missionaries serving Kyiv: https://cbfblog.com/2022/02/24/cbfs-baxley-and-field-personnel-mina-and-gennady-podgaisky-request-prayer-for-ukraine/
SBC Send Relief: https://www.sendrelief.org/ (A link to the specific Ukraine page should pop up)
SBC (IMB) Prayer Guide compiled from missionaries in the region: https://www.sendrelief.org/resource/ukraine-prayer-guide/
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