16 May Meaningful Moments ahead in May
The COVID-19 virus continues to make an impact on how we live and relate to one another. These difficult days have generated a range of emotions, and along the way we have learned some things about our church and the place in which we live. It’s going to increasingly important to be gracious to each other as we make our way through the next weeks and months.
Several significant events are coming up of which I wanted to make you aware. The remainder of our Sunday worship experiences this month will be ONLINE, and I believe they will be meaningful for us as a family of faith:
May 17th: Graduate Recognition
May 24th: Memorial Day Remembrance
May 31st: Ordinance of the Lord’s Supper
Unless conditions dictate otherwise, May 31st will conclude this exclusively online gathering season for our church. As such, I believe sharing the Lord’s Supper in a virtual format is an appropriate way to commemorate this season of separation as a church family. We are going through an historic period of time; this will be a meaningful way for us to acknowledge the ongoing presence of Jesus Christ is our lives–past, present, and future.
AND, on June 7th, we celebrate the Re-Gathering of FBC Clinton TN with in person worship services. You’ll be hearing more about what that looks like soon, but for now please be in prayer for our Church Council and me as we seek to lead our church to this moment.
Thanks for your ongoing prayers, financial support, and participation in the online Sunday and Wednesday gatherings. Remember that this COVID-19 season has and continues to reveal the character of our church, so let’s continue being kind and gracious to one another–DC
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