26 Apr Graduate Recognition on May 2nd
It’s hard to get my mind around the fact that Lucy is graduating high school. It seemed like it was just the other day that Lori and I were bringing her home from the hospital. Then, in a blink of an eye, she’s driving and getting ready to go off to college. Where did the time go?
I doubt that I’m the only parent having these feelings these days. We’ll have an opportunity to celebrate the accomplishments of our graduating seniors this Sunday morning during both worship services; a catered lunch will follow in the Family Life Center.
There’s no shortage of advice for high school graduates. I can still recall my own graduation but have long since forgotten who the commencement speaker was or what he said to us during those graduation ceremonies. So, even though I have the privilege of preaching to our graduates and parents on that day, I do so with the knowledge that my words may not live long in their memories (the same applies with all my sermons). What I hope will endure, however, is the love and pride that our church has for those students who have been part of First Baptist Church.
In his book, “The Alphabet of Grace” Frederick Buechner penned these words: “When you wake up in the morning, called by God to be a self again, if you want to know who you are, watch your feet. Because where your feet take you, that is who you are.”
There’s a lot of nostalgia involved in graduation ceremonies. These students have endured the challenge of a COVID19 pandemic while learning to attend school via ZOOM as well as in person while wearing masks and practicing social distancing. It hasn’t been easy on them, but they have persevered and are deserving of the recognitions heading their way.
Our family moved here less than two years ago, and Lucy has had to adjust to a new normal in a new school and community. The pandemic didn’t help matters at all, but she has shown a lot of grit and determination to finish her high school years on a positive note. I’m extremely proud of her and know her mom is too.
The class of 2021 will be heading out into a world scarred with the fears and reality of COVID, political and social unrest, along with the challenge of figuring out what their future holds. I’ll be excited to see where their feet takes them, and hoping that this church was able to have a positive impact upon their spiritual well-being.
I hope you will join me in honoring the class of 2021 this Sunday. Let’s pray for them and ask God’s blessings upon them in the days ahead–DC
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