02 Nov Happy Birthday, First Baptist Clinton!
This month, our church celebrates its 183rd birthday!
In “One Hundred Years–A Story of First Baptist Church Clinton, Tennessee” Mary Weaver puts it this way: “Realizing the need for a Baptist church in the new town of Clinton, a group of early settlers from the Bethel Baptist Church asked to be released from their church to form themselves into a church. They met and on November 7, 1840, organized Clinton’s first Baptist church.”
Obviously, a lot of things have happened in the more than a century and a half in which this church has been in this area. People have come and gone, the community has changed, and East Tennessee in general has grown to reflect new industry, interests, and recreational opportunities.
What hasn’t changed, however, is this church’s desire to make a difference for Christ in this town and Anderson County. We are very much indebted to those who have gone before us as well as inspired by their faithfulness and example of giving, service, and perseverance.
There’s still a need for a congregation like ours in this community. I’m grateful to be part of this church’s history and look forward to what is yet ahead for us as a family of faith in Clinton–DC
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