18 Jun Happy Father’s Day!
I never really knew my own dad.
My parents divorced when I was around 8 years old, and even though he lived close to us for a while, his weekend visits to my younger sister and me stopped after a few months. I didn’t understand all that was going on, and at the time I thought he just didn’t want to see us. But, as I’ve grown older and learned more, it’s become more clear that his appearances to pick us up were met with disdain from my mom. To put it bluntly, their divorce wasn’t amicable to say the least.
I missed out on a lot of things growing up due to that life experience. Like many others, I learned to deal with challenges and opportunities on my own and with the help of other men who invested in my life. On this day, I remember them and thank God for their filling a void I didn’t realize I had.
Father’s (dads) aren’t always portrayed in a favorable light in our culture. The media and entertainment industry has a field day showing them as uncaring and distant figures. And, honestly, there is some truth to this and it’s easy to understand why these criticisms seem to be valid. There are enough stories about men who abandon their wives and children, stop paying child support, and don’t take an interest in the growth or well-being of their children. However, I feel it’s important to recognize the many, many men who are present in the home and involved in the lives of their children. There are also men who are raising their children on their own. We don’t recognize this as much as we should.
This holiday will once again be a time for new ties, tools, and other gifts for the dads in our lives. It will be a bittersweet day for those who remember fondly their fathers who are no longer with them. It’s also a time to give thanks for those who work out and do their best to reflect a godly example for those around them. And, we should also be grateful for men who don’t have children of their own but choose to get involved in making the world a better place for children and young people.
Our church has a Facebook profile picture frame you can use to celebrate your dad, family, or a man who made a positive difference in your life.
So, “Happy Father’s Day” and let’s celebrate the gift of life and life together–DC
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