23 Mar Holy Week at FBC
Holy Week signifies the last week of Jesus’ earthly ministry, leading to his death, burial, and resurrection. It is a time to lean into spiritual truths relating to his life and mission, as well being open to learn more about what Christ expects from us as his followers.
Palm Sunday is the beginning of Holy Week. We will revisit the “Triumphal Entry” of Jesus into Jerusalem. It was a loud, crowded, festive occasion and marked the pinnacle of Jesus’ popularity. Many people expected Jesus to usher in an earthly kingdom, and their support and enthusiasm waned as Jesus’ purpose for his life did not align with their own. The disciples could not have envisioned that their Lord would be crucified only a few days later. Our children will process into our worship services with palm branches as a way to remember this occasion.
On Monday, our church is responsible for leading the noonday worship service at St. Mark United Methodist Church. I will be bringing a message and Jason will be providing music. This is a great way to bring the downtown churches together during this significant spiritual season.
Our Wednesday evening programming will remain the same, with FBC Kids and FBC Youth (Ignite) have their regular schedules. I’ll be leading the Four Fragile Freedoms Study at 10:30 am and 6:30 pm, and the Adult Choir will rehearse at their usual time.
Our Maundy Thursday service begins at 6 pm in the Sanctuary. This is a somber and reflective worship service, and there will be music, scriptures, prayers, candles, and Communion as we remember the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ. It’s an important opportunity for us to pause and realize the suffering and sacrifice of our Lord.
On Easter Sunday, we will have our two worship services and LifeGroups at their regular times. We’ll celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ with wonderful music, drama, and a message from God’s Word. After the second service, the children will have an Easter Egg on the front lawn. This is a wonderful time to bring family and first time guests to our worship services. Christ is Risen! Christ is Risen Indeed!
I look forward to being with our people this week. Let’s take advantage of every opportunity to be together during this signficant spirtual season in the life of the church–DC
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