23 Mar Holy Week begins March 28
More than 2000 years ago, crowds of people lined the streets of Jerusalem to catch a glimpse of Jesus. This event is recorded in all four gospels and is often called “The Triumphal Entry.” Our church will commemorate this moment on Palm Sunday–this day marks the beginning of the last week of Jesus’ earthly life.
We will celebrate this day with two worship services–the 8:30 am contemporary service in the Family Life Center and the 10:40 am traditional service in the Sanctuary.
On Monday, Jason and I will represent our church at the Clinton Community Holy Week services at St. Mark United Methodist Church. He will provide instrumental music on the guitar and I’ll bring a brief devotional. We will begin at noon and should conclude prior to 12:30 pm.
Our Wednesday activities will remain the same: our children, youth, adult Bible Study, and adult choir will meet. I’ll lead another session on “Questions Jesus Asked” which begins at 6:00 PM.
On April 1st, we will gather at 6:00 PM for a Maundy Thursday service. This is a solemn time of prayer, Scripture readings, reflection, and the Observance of the Lord’s Supper. We will spend time on the Seven Last Sayings of Jesus from the cross and remembering his sacrificial death for our sins.
On Saturday at 11:00 am, our children and parents will gather at Koelsch Farm for the annual Easter Egg Hunt! Like so many other events, this was canceled last year so it is meaningful to offer this experience yet again. Betty Kay has provided information to our parents but if you need more details please contact the church office.
Then on April 4, Easter Sunday, we will celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Our church will provide two worship services (8:30 am and 10:40 per usual). Easter is always an exciting time together, and since we didn’t meet in person last year, I expect this to be the case in a much more profound way. If you are sick, unsure or uncomfortable attending in person, then please join us via Facebook or YouTube.
Like many of you, I’ve received my first dose of the vaccine and hoping for better days ahead for our church and community. It’s a privilege to share this time with you all; let’s continue in our faithfulness and trust the Lord with the rest.
“Christ is Risen! Christ is Risen Indeed!–DC
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