02 Sep Praying for our Teachers and Sunday School classes resume on September 13th
We continue to adapt to a new way of going about our day to day lives. This reality has also impacted the way we have been doing church. In July, our church council determined that we would wait and be informed by back to school efforts. Last night, our church council voted to resume some gathering times and activities.
On Sunday, September 13th we will resume on campus Sunday School classes. There will also be a large group Sunday School option available in the Family Life Center. This Sunday is also set aside to honor and pray for our teachers, which we can all agree is an important thing for us to do.
On Wednesday, September 16th, we will resume on campus gatherings for children, youth, and adults. Additional information about how that is taking place will be forthcoming. However, we will NOT be implementing the fellowship meal at this time.
The church council strongly urges wearing masks in the buildings; this is especially important in small groups. We need to continue maintaining distance between ourselves and being sensitive to others in traffic areas around our buildings. Also, do NOT attend if you are sick or have COVID symptoms.
Some of you will welcome these additional opportunities to be together, and if this describes you then please be mindful of efforts to provide a safe gathering space. However, if for any reason you are unsure about being on our campus right now, then please continue to remain at home. If you are uncomfortable with how these additional gathering opportunities are being handled, then please remain at home. The worship services will continue to be live-streamed at this time.
I realize we do not have the same view about the virus (or about any number of things). But I do want you to know that the church council, staff, and I will remain flexible and responsive to any needed changes to our gathering events.
We are ONE church; wherever you need to be right now is where you need to be. Remember that each of us is accountable for staying connected and supportive of our family of faith. This church belongs to Jesus Christ so let us have his mind and attitude (Philippians 2:5-11). Thanks for your faithfulness!–DC
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