17 Jan In-Person Worship Resumes; MLK Prayer Breakfast
Our church will transition back to in person gatherings this week. We will have the monthly business meeting in the Sanctuary on Wednesday, January 20th at 6 pm. Part of this experience together will include prayer for our nation relating to the inauguration of President-elect Biden and Vice-President-elect Harris.
We will resume in person worship on Sunday, January 24th; this includes the 8:30 am contemporary service in the Family Life Center and the 10:40 am traditional service in the Sanctuary. However, small group Bible Study (Sunday School) will not meet at this time.
Our Wednesday night schedule (children, youth, and Adult Bible Study) will not begin at this time. However, Adult Choir will resume rehearsals on January 20th.
The plan at this point is to have Sunday School classes and Wednesday night small groups resume in February (Some classes have not yet begun to meet in person; please check with your Sunday School teacher to determine what your class has decided to do in the meantime).
Please note that the pandemic remains a presence in our state and community. For this reason, it may become necessary to adjust these plans to accommodate recommendations from state and local officials or developments within our own congregation. And, if you are uncomfortable, unable, or have COVID symptoms please remain at home.
On a related note, the MLK prayer breakfast sponsored by the Green McAdoo Cultural Center has been canceled due to the COVID-19 virus. This is a disappointment and a missed opportunity to bring our community together to celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., but understandable due to circumstances. I anticipate future events to be scheduled later in the year. However, there will be a modified program on their Facebook page on Monday the 18th at 8:30 am. I encourage you to visit their site and take part in this virtual event; it was an honor to be asked to record a few remarks and offer a prayer.
Let’s keep on keeping on. Thank you for your ongoing prayers, ministry involvement, and financial support as we begin another year together. Stay encouraged–DC
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