28 Apr May brings Special Moments to FBC
I read an article recently about the former CEO of Waffle House, Bert Thorton. He grew the restaurant to almost 2,000 locations at the time of his retirement. His desire was that the people who enter a Waffle House would always feel welcomed and know what to expect. He also wanted to help his employees. Thorton said, “We take people from where they are and give them a chance to rise up within the company.” The secret of the company’s success? “The people working at Waffle House usually have a sense of humor and like having fun together.”
What would happen if churches were like that? You wouldn’t have to be perfect to join in, and folks in general could enjoy serving the Lord together. We wouldn’t have to agree on every issue to have fellowship with someone else. It would be enough to raise our voices and say “Jesus Christ is Lord.”
For me, Easter Sunday provided a taste of that kind of experience. The refrain of “He is Risen! He is Risen Indeed!” echoed through our buildings. It didn’t matter what our individual backgrounds or biases happened to be. It was enough to show hospitality to those who entered our doors to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
With all the stressors we face on a regular basis, it’s good to have a day and place to look forward to each week. Each Sunday is a celebration of our risen Savior, and an occasion to be reminded of what’s most important in our lives. Our shared faith in Christ is what binds us together.
Good things are happening in our church. I’m excited to welcome Lauren Neal to our staff as Minister of Children & Young Families. Our church voted recently to transition her into the ‘permanent’ part-time position—as many of you know, she is a teacher at South Clinton Elementary School. Lauren brings a lot of joy, creativity, and maturity to this position. I look forward to good things continuing to take place through her leadership.
On a related note, please keep the Youth Minister Search Committee in your prayers. They are actively meeting, reviewing resumes, and conducting interviews. I appreciate them and the important work they have underway. In the meantime, I am grateful for Ben Neal and the good work he is doing as our Interim Minister of Youth. We are fortunate to have him and his leadership in our church.
The month of May offers special emphases almost every Sunday! Here’s what’s ahead:
1st Senior Recognition
8th Mother’s Day and baptisms
15th Combined Worship and Communion
29th Memorial Day Remembrances
Graduations will soon occur and will be occasions for excitement, tears, and celebrations. The class of 2022 will have stories to tell about their journey through high school and the challenges they’ve overcome to reach this milestone. I am proud of them and look forward to celebrating their achievements–DC
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