26 Oct RAM is November 2-3
On November 2-3 (Saturday/Sunday), our church campus will be transformed to host a RAM clinic.
Remote Area Medical offers pop up clinics at no cost for clients who do not have insurance, have high deductibles, or have no access to health care. There will be people of all backgrounds who will be here to take advantage of this free health care experience. Some will have traveled many miles to do so. It will be life changer for many of them. It might be a life changer for some us too.
It’s been about six years since our church last hosted a RAM clinic. I appreciate so much our RAM organizing team and their tireless efforts to plan and prepare us all to serve and volunteer to help the medical personnel and patients. I moved here shortly after the last RAM event, so this will be my first time to witness and experience it for myself.
RAM takes place on the weekend right before the election. Among other things, the election illustrates once again that we don’t agree on everything—sometimes it appears we don’t agree on anything! We don’t need an election to remind us of this. Yet, we don’t have to agree with our heads in order to agree with our hands. Serving the Lord can bring us together.
We’re giving a Sunday of worship and LifeGroups to partner with RAM; I hope it will remind us of the value and witness this church has in our community. I’m grateful for our history with RAM and that we are once again able to partner with them in this way. I believe this timing for us to serve as a church in this way is providential, and I ask us to be sensitive to how the Holy Spirits speaks to us.
November signals the changing of the leaves, cooler temperatures, and settling in to the last few days of the year. The holidays are upon us. Let’s remember that we’ve had several deaths in our church recently, and to spend time encouraging each other.
Finally, the month also cues us once again to practice gratitude and count our blessings. My family and I are thankful to be part of our town, church staff, and family of faith. You all are blessings to us, and I pray we can all slow down to appreciate what we have in each other and through our shared faith in Jesus Christ
And, thanks Daryl Stair for the beautiful photo of our river and town!–DC
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