15 Aug September 1st is Communion and Favorite Teams Sunday
The calendar is saying that Fall is here, but the weather is telling us something else! We’re still enduring these hot summer temps, but relief is soon on the way.
Labor Day weekend is usually understood as the unofficial beginning of the Fall, and the last gasp effort for a long weekend heading into a new school year. Some of us may be away, yet I wanted to remind us that our church will be gathering for ONE combined worship service on Sunday, September 1st. We’ll meet in the Family Life Center at 8:30 am.
I’m looking forward to bringing our people together for worship, communion, and fellowship. It’s also “favorite teams” Sunday, so make sure to support your favorite team’s colors. There will be an abundance of orange but it’s also fun to see what else is represented!
Most importantly, it’s a time to celebrate our unity in Christ and look forward to another academic year as a community and church. I’ll look forward to seeing you then–DC
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