26 Sep “Special Day of Giving” on October 6
Fall is here, and that of course means UT football. The Vols recently came away with a road win against the Oklahoma Sooners, now an SEC team. Head coach Josh Heupel praised the team for their efforts and the win. Returning to Norman, OK was a homecoming of sorts for him, as he played QB for the Sooners and led them to a National Championship in 2000. He also had a tenure as an assistant coach.
In the locker room after the game, an emotional Heupel told his team that returning to Norman was never about him, but that he appreciated them “giving a little bit extra for him” to secure the win. The team roared with their approval; they knew how important this particular game was for him.
On Sunday, October 6, our church is having a “Special Day of Giving.” This is an opportunity for each of us to “give a little bit extra” to help catch us up on our budget. We’ll have envelopes in the worship bulletins to assist with this effort. There will be an option to put money in the envelope or indicate an online contribution. I hope each of us will come prepared to participate.
I realize this is Fall Break week and will impact some of our folks. If you’re going to be away, I hope you’ll be able to be involved in this special giving emphasis either before or after the break.
I appreciate so much your faithfulness in prayers, service, and financial support. We’ve already had significant amounts given in response to the Finance Committee letter which was sent out not too long ago. So, my remarks about this are just another way of “trusting the Lord and telling the people” about where we are and what is ahead for us.
Good things are taking place in our church. The elevator install is done and we’re all enjoying the quieter and smoother ride! Also, the parking lot will be resurfaced soon with monies allocated for this purpose. The FLC steps remains a priority and we’re securing bids to get this repaired too.
We’ll be celebrating baptisms and baby dedications once again too. We’re continuing to have guests among us in both our worship services and LifeGroups. It’s a good time to part of our family of faith, especially as we transition into the remaining months of the year. Your hospitality and outreach are making a big difference in the life of our church.
Finally, I wanted to thank you all for your prayers and support in the death of our “Grannie.” She had a wonderful, lengthy life and was “old and full of years” at her death. The funeral was meaningful, and I felt your prayers as I led the service.
It’s a blessing to be part of our family of faith, and a privilege of being your pastor–DC
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