16 May FBC Kids Update
I can’t believe we’re bringing another year of FBC Kids to an end! We have had a wonderful year learning about Jesus! We have some exciting things happening with our children and their teachers.
Preschool and kindergarten on Wednesday nights had a flourishing year learning and singing with Ms. Bradley and Ms. Kelly! We are excited for some of these kiddos to graduate to the school age group over the summer! On Sunday mornings we are saying goodbye to Leah and Kevin Barber. They have done amazing working loving our pre-k and kindergarten kids and most of them are sad to move up and leave them! We are so grateful for the love and dedication they have given our kids! We know they will still love our kids big even though this chapter of teaching is coming to an end!
We have been looking for teachers to fill their shoes and have been blessed to find them! Mary Haven Merkle and Jane Halcomb have volunteered to teach this class! It has grown tremendously over the last year, and we appreciate their recognition of the importance of ministering to this age group! They have answered many prayers through filling this need and I’m certain our littles will love Dr. Mary Haven and Ms. Jane just as much as they loved Ms. Leah and Mr. Kevin!
This year our children’s ministry partnered with our Creative Arts Ministry and attended a pottery session! Many of our kids work with ceramics in Clinton City Schools and our instructor gushed about much they already knew about working with clay! They created the pieces of a windchime and will get to assemble it one day this summer!
We ended our year with another amazing musical where our children showed us their immense talent! I hope you were able to attend their presentation of The Old Testament, Fast Forward! They worked incredibly hard with Ms. Terri and Ms. Joanna, and I know they made themselves proud with their performance!–Lauren
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